Prepare Queenright Cell Raiser Build up a double brood box or use “Ben Harden System”.
- Contact feed 1 to 1 syrup, and pollen frames from other hives.
- Gradually add extra capped brood from other hives.
- Super over QX as and when required.
- Colony is “ripe” for cell raising when adult drones present.
- Day before grafting confine queen in bottom box with QX.
- Rearrange frames in top broodbox as follows
- One frame of young brood and frame of pollen in centre.
- Leave space between them for cell-bar frame.
- One or two frames of unsealed honey on either side.
- Two frames of sealed stores on outside of broodbox.
- Fill in with sealed brood and stores of honey and pollen.
- Place prepared cell-bar in space overnight for familiarisation.
- Select frame of young larvae from chosen breeder colony.
- Cover with damp towel to maintain humidity.
- Use magnifier e.g. jeweller’s visor or two pairs of glasses.
- Use only very young larvae – less than one day old.
- The youngest larvae are found nearest to unhatched eggs.
- Cut back the side walls of cells with scalpel or sharp knife.
- Jenter cups or other plastic queen cups with holders are ideal.
- Some light source helps in identifying suitable larvae.
- Chinese grafting tool or artist’s fine brush are suitable tools.
- Always lift the larva from the rear of curve with grafting tool.
- Use 18 to 22 cell cups on two cell – bars in a frame.
- Complete grafting and place cell bar in hive as quickly as possible.
- Check “take” after 24 hours and reduce to 15 best cells or less.
- Check brood combs in upper box after two more days for wild cells.
- Shake bees from combs and cut out these emergency cells if found.
- Cage cells or transfer to prepared nuclei on 10th day after grafting.
Mating Queens
- Ensure the presence of sufficient mature drones in breeder colonies.
- Drone comb or shallow frames are placed in the broodnest area.
- This is done in selected colonies in Autumn or early Spring.
- Make up nuclei with young bees on day before cell transfer.
- Bees for nucs are selected from supers or combs of young brood.
- Virgin queens can be introduced to bees in making up the nucs.
- Where cells are being introduced keep bees in shed previous night.
- After cell introduction keep in shed for further three days.
- Spray water through ventilators morning and evening.
- Baker’s fondant in cut comb container is handy for first feeding.
- Replace this with sugar syrup 2 to 1 when placed in permanent site.
- Best to place in permanent position and open at dusk.
- Examine for presence of eggs after 2 to 3 weeks.
- Remove queen when laying and replace with another cell.
- Established nucs will not readily accept a virgin queen.
- Watch food reserve in nuclei and keep topped up always.
Queen Introduction
- A new laying queen should be available one week after dequeening.
- At that stage shake the bees off brood combs and kill emergency cells.
- Introduce the queen in queencage between two brood frames.
- A Butler or Worth cage is best but use travelling cage if necessary.
- Cage entrance is best plugged with stiff candy (icing sugar/honey).
- Check for eggs after six days, remove emergency cells if present.
- Always make sure hive is queenless before introducing a queen.
- Insert a “test frame” i.e. a frame of eggs and young larvae.
- Inspect this frame after 2 to 3 days for presence of emergency cells.
- If emergency cells are not raised a queen is probably present.
M. Mac Giolla Coda